Frequently asked questions
How do I know what size to choose?
We have found over the many years of creating guestbook alternatives that your guests are comprised of those who are single, couples or families. Some couples/families will sign one heart as a unit. Therefore it is not necessary to have one heart for every guest. For example, if you have 200 guests attending your event, you may need between 135 to 155 drop hearts for your guests to sign. We will work to help you determine the range of drop shapes needed and guide you on what size frame and what size drop shape (heart) to use for your event.
What kind of pen do we use to sign the hearts or shapes that go into the drop heart guestbook?
We recommend a fine tip marker in the color of your choice. Also test signing one of the hearts before you event.
How long will it take before my order ships?
We make each guestbook individually and in the order received unless a RUSH service is purchased. Please let us know your celebration date so we can monitor to make sure your order arrives in time. Unfortunately we cannot be responsible for delays with UPS/USPS/FedEx so please try to order well in advance.
Do you ship to Hawaii & Alaska?
We do, but this must be coordinated and a shipping estimate provided prior to placing your order. Unfortunately shipping to these two locations is quite expensive and we use large boxes typically.
Can I see a proof of what it will look like before I place an order?
You may request a proof to review prior to us producing your order. Proofs are only provided after an order is placed.
How do I format the date in my personalization?
We use the format of Month, Date, Year i.e. May 20, 2018. The use of the "th" after the date followed by the year is incorrect and will be corrected on your order. If you do want it in that format please make sure we understand what format you want.
The use of “th” in a date: When writing a date, the use of “th” should only be used when your date is NOT followed by the year. When your date is followed by the year, do NOT use the “th”. For Example:
November 7, 2009
November 7th
November 7
November 7th, 2009
How do we hang the guest book on the wall?
We recommend a wire picture frame hanger. These can be found at a hardware, craft store, or local frame shop. Cost is around $1-$3. For frames make sure to screw the hanger into the wood portion of the frame. For the shapes such as Mason Jars, Wine Bottles and such anywhere on the back is fine.
Monogram etiquette: What order do I place the initials?
For a couple: lady's first name initial, family last name initial, gentleman's first initial (i.e.: Louise and Bill Smith would be LSB)
For the individual's monogram: it is the first name initial, last name, middle initial (i.e: Lisa Ellen Smith would be LSE)